Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 2013

                          It has bee far to long! What can I say we both got so caught up with school and work. Also, with all the move back to the lovely and hot St. George! What have we been up to.... Well we moved back and stayed with my sister while we saved money and looked for jobs. I have found a job at JcPenney and I love it! While my hubby works at a call center for taxis.

        During the summer I turned 20 years old, went to girls camp for the first time as an adult, and moved into a new place! 

First, 20 years old! I honestly I can't believe that I have been on this earth for 20 freaking years! I had a great time with my family and my wonderful husband! I couldn't have asked for a better way to ring in the lovely 20's. 

                    Things I hope to accomplish in my 20's 
-To have at one child, the most four! 
-To have my own home
-To live somewhere in the east
-To go to Disneyland...many times! 
-To be able to make awesome deserts! 

and also other things, but I can't of anymore.

                           Girls Camp
 What can I say about girls camp! Being able to go with sunset 7th ward was amazing! I always heard how the youth are an amazing generation and that is the truest statement I have ever heard! Being able to be up in nature with the girls really brings out the spirit in the girls! I love the girls! I am so glad that I was able to spend 4 wonderful days in the mountains with no water for showers! 

                             Well that's all I can because it is a awesome place to be! 

     I can't believe all the awesome things that have happened this summer! 

Also my hubby turned 25 this past Monday! I can't believe that I have gotten to spend to two birthday's with this wonderful man! 

Well that's it for now! 

Talk to you later! 
-Elizabeth Wright