Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 2013

                          It has bee far to long! What can I say we both got so caught up with school and work. Also, with all the move back to the lovely and hot St. George! What have we been up to.... Well we moved back and stayed with my sister while we saved money and looked for jobs. I have found a job at JcPenney and I love it! While my hubby works at a call center for taxis.

        During the summer I turned 20 years old, went to girls camp for the first time as an adult, and moved into a new place! 

First, 20 years old! I honestly I can't believe that I have been on this earth for 20 freaking years! I had a great time with my family and my wonderful husband! I couldn't have asked for a better way to ring in the lovely 20's. 

                    Things I hope to accomplish in my 20's 
-To have at one child, the most four! 
-To have my own home
-To live somewhere in the east
-To go to Disneyland...many times! 
-To be able to make awesome deserts! 

and also other things, but I can't of anymore.

                           Girls Camp
 What can I say about girls camp! Being able to go with sunset 7th ward was amazing! I always heard how the youth are an amazing generation and that is the truest statement I have ever heard! Being able to be up in nature with the girls really brings out the spirit in the girls! I love the girls! I am so glad that I was able to spend 4 wonderful days in the mountains with no water for showers! 

                             Well that's all I can because it is a awesome place to be! 

     I can't believe all the awesome things that have happened this summer! 

Also my hubby turned 25 this past Monday! I can't believe that I have gotten to spend to two birthday's with this wonderful man! 

Well that's it for now! 

Talk to you later! 
-Elizabeth Wright

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter 2013

This the first winter I have had that with lots of snow! Something someone from California does not like the cold when I have grown up in the warm sunny Palm Springs. If I don't have to drive I will not! I will kindly ask my wonderful husband to take me to work, because he is has more experience driving in the snow. I will drive in the rain and if it is lightly snowing. However. this winter it has actually snowed and people say that this winter has been pretty bad. They haven't this kind of a winter for the past two years here. Of course when I move here it snows like crazy! NOT ONLY has it snowed a lot, it's has rained. Not just regular rain but FREEZING RAIN!! Not something I have ever seen before, but it hits the ground and it freezes, so there is a lot of ice everywhere! NO ONE wants to go out. I do have say that I have not fallen so far and I am very proud of that!
                                 WINTER: 0 
                       ELIZABETH: 1
I have however slipped, but I didn't slip. I do have to say the only thing I like about winter and the cold is that I get to wear coats! I love wool long coats also hot chocolate! I mean who doesn't warmth in a cup! So, now that I have written about hot cocoa I want some. Good thing we have some! We don't however have milk because we finished that when we had brownies! So now I am very sad for the fact that I have to drive to work tomorrow when it is freezing out side. I do only work from 4-8 thank goodness. Hopefully it doesn't snow tomorrow while I am driving home because I could freak out with all the snow.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Last Thanksgiving and things I am grateful for.

Thanksgiving is only a couple days, and Matt and I don't know what we are doing or where we are spending Thanksgiving at. All I know is that my family is going to be coming up to Salt Lake to visit my brother and his family. Although I know they will be going up to Wyoming to visit Christina's parents. I want to take some time just to say somethings I am grateful.
1. I am grateful for the chance to be a U.S. citizen and all the things my parents did for me.
2. I am grateful for my In Laws! They are the best!
3. I am also grateful for my grandparents-in-law. They are the grandparents I never had.
4. I am grateful for being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
5. I am grateful for having a temple so close to where I live.
6. I am grateful for being to live here Salt Lake City.
7. I am grateful to work at Kneaders where I enjoy all my coworkers.
8. I am grateful for Skype and being able to talk to my dad.
9. I am grateful for a wonderful husband, who loves me with all my flaws.
10. I am grateful for my little sister, without her my life would be so much boring.
11. I am grateful for my only niece and nephew, who I live so close to.
12. I am grateful for amazing music that helps me get through the day.
13. I am grateful for the gift that I have to always have a smile on my face no matter what the situation.
those are only some of the things I am grateful for. I really have been blessed in my life with such wonderful people around. I am looking forward to be spending my first Thanksgiving as a married woman.

My first Thanksgiving with Matt was a very interesting one. We actually had two thanksgiving. One at my sisters house and one at Matt's grandparents home. Two very different thanksgiving. We first went over to my sisters house. Where we had about 14 people there! The was the most people we had ever had at one place. So, it was very loud there. Even though it was loud it was worth having Matt there, sort of seeing my family in the raw..this was before we were engaged. So it was a bit of chaos he seemed to enjoy it so that's always good. My family didn't scare him off thank goodness! After we had finished that meal, we headed off to have some quiet time and walk off the meal so we would be hungry for the meal at his grandparents home.

As we arrived at his grandparents house it was so much more quiet. It was only 7 people and they are very quiet people, it was however a very traditional thanksgiving dinner something I had never had. I guess that is what happens when you are Mexican. It was nice and relaxing to have such a nice dinner there. It was one of the best thanksgiving I have had. I am just looking forward to when I am able to make holiday tradition my children can remember for a life time.


Monday, August 27, 2012


So on Sunday we had a baby blessing. So therefore, there were more people than normal. A lot more kids. Everytime there is a baby blessing it makes me want to have a baby and there are a lot because we go to a student married ward. We also were sitting next to. A couple who are expecting there first child. Me looking like creeper looked over and was look at her rub her belly for a couple seconds. My husband had to stop me from looking. So, then I wanted to have a child really bad. I wish I could have a little one to call my own. To look after them and the relief society lesson was on parenting. It was a good lesson. So, now I want a bab. We plan on waiting at least a year or two before we even start about actually starting a fimaly. For now I will have to spoil my nephew and niece till I get my little one. Hopefully, I have twins...I hope it could happen, but let's just keep the wishingfor having a baby in 1-2 years.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School and work

So today Matt started school. Lucky for him all his classes are on Tuesday and Thursday so he doesn't have to worry about going to school on Monday's. He does however have to go work. He does enjoy work. I'm glad that he job on campus at the library, because he likes to write plus he has always wanted a job at a library at ever since I have known him. As for me I am enjoying work. Expect when the make me clean the windows because we have tall windows! Plus I am afraid of heights. I had to stand on a chair yesterday and I almost fell off once. It was pretty scary. I am not going to school this year. I will however at least try to finish school, but I also want to go to a trade school I have always wanted to go into comso. It would give me something to learn. So for right now I will just enjoy working at Kneaders where the food is freaking delicious!!i guess the next thing I want to talk about is children, but I will save that for another day.

Friday, August 17, 2012

My problem yesterday...

As I said my my tire went all crazy on my yesterday this is what it looked like. Great isn't it?

Been a while.

Well, I guess I should start off by saying that I have a job. :) That is good news! Well yesterday as I was driving to work my tire decided to pretty die on me! I know it's great. So I wanted to cry when it happened because I hate when things happen to cars I am because I don't know how to deal with them! It makes me so mad at myself. So there I was there driving and my tire went all crazy on my so I pulled over and this gentleman stopped to help me it was so nice of him! I for sure live in Utah, because I have not had that happen to me anywhere, but in Utah! So I am do grateful for that guy you pulled over to see if I was alright. I didn't even get his name. Sadly. So whoever it was "thank you". Also, my one of my home teachers drive my husband out to wear I was and then took me to work. It was so kind of him, it is times like that I am so grateful for the church has these home/visiting teachers. They really do make a difference in our lives. :)

So, I work at Kneaders Bakery and Cafe and if you live in Utah and have not been, well I suggest you go! It is pure awesomeness and the food is amazing plus they have amazing sweets!! Alrighty. I will going to be bed now, because it's midnight and my husband is sleeping. :)

I know I look weird in the picture but I my outfit for work is pretty sweet! :)