Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School and work

So today Matt started school. Lucky for him all his classes are on Tuesday and Thursday so he doesn't have to worry about going to school on Monday's. He does however have to go work. He does enjoy work. I'm glad that he job on campus at the library, because he likes to write plus he has always wanted a job at a library at ever since I have known him. As for me I am enjoying work. Expect when the make me clean the windows because we have tall windows! Plus I am afraid of heights. I had to stand on a chair yesterday and I almost fell off once. It was pretty scary. I am not going to school this year. I will however at least try to finish school, but I also want to go to a trade school I have always wanted to go into comso. It would give me something to learn. So for right now I will just enjoy working at Kneaders where the food is freaking delicious!!i guess the next thing I want to talk about is children, but I will save that for another day.

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