Sunday, November 18, 2012

Last Thanksgiving and things I am grateful for.

Thanksgiving is only a couple days, and Matt and I don't know what we are doing or where we are spending Thanksgiving at. All I know is that my family is going to be coming up to Salt Lake to visit my brother and his family. Although I know they will be going up to Wyoming to visit Christina's parents. I want to take some time just to say somethings I am grateful.
1. I am grateful for the chance to be a U.S. citizen and all the things my parents did for me.
2. I am grateful for my In Laws! They are the best!
3. I am also grateful for my grandparents-in-law. They are the grandparents I never had.
4. I am grateful for being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
5. I am grateful for having a temple so close to where I live.
6. I am grateful for being to live here Salt Lake City.
7. I am grateful to work at Kneaders where I enjoy all my coworkers.
8. I am grateful for Skype and being able to talk to my dad.
9. I am grateful for a wonderful husband, who loves me with all my flaws.
10. I am grateful for my little sister, without her my life would be so much boring.
11. I am grateful for my only niece and nephew, who I live so close to.
12. I am grateful for amazing music that helps me get through the day.
13. I am grateful for the gift that I have to always have a smile on my face no matter what the situation.
those are only some of the things I am grateful for. I really have been blessed in my life with such wonderful people around. I am looking forward to be spending my first Thanksgiving as a married woman.

My first Thanksgiving with Matt was a very interesting one. We actually had two thanksgiving. One at my sisters house and one at Matt's grandparents home. Two very different thanksgiving. We first went over to my sisters house. Where we had about 14 people there! The was the most people we had ever had at one place. So, it was very loud there. Even though it was loud it was worth having Matt there, sort of seeing my family in the raw..this was before we were engaged. So it was a bit of chaos he seemed to enjoy it so that's always good. My family didn't scare him off thank goodness! After we had finished that meal, we headed off to have some quiet time and walk off the meal so we would be hungry for the meal at his grandparents home.

As we arrived at his grandparents house it was so much more quiet. It was only 7 people and they are very quiet people, it was however a very traditional thanksgiving dinner something I had never had. I guess that is what happens when you are Mexican. It was nice and relaxing to have such a nice dinner there. It was one of the best thanksgiving I have had. I am just looking forward to when I am able to make holiday tradition my children can remember for a life time.


Monday, August 27, 2012


So on Sunday we had a baby blessing. So therefore, there were more people than normal. A lot more kids. Everytime there is a baby blessing it makes me want to have a baby and there are a lot because we go to a student married ward. We also were sitting next to. A couple who are expecting there first child. Me looking like creeper looked over and was look at her rub her belly for a couple seconds. My husband had to stop me from looking. So, then I wanted to have a child really bad. I wish I could have a little one to call my own. To look after them and the relief society lesson was on parenting. It was a good lesson. So, now I want a bab. We plan on waiting at least a year or two before we even start about actually starting a fimaly. For now I will have to spoil my nephew and niece till I get my little one. Hopefully, I have twins...I hope it could happen, but let's just keep the wishingfor having a baby in 1-2 years.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School and work

So today Matt started school. Lucky for him all his classes are on Tuesday and Thursday so he doesn't have to worry about going to school on Monday's. He does however have to go work. He does enjoy work. I'm glad that he job on campus at the library, because he likes to write plus he has always wanted a job at a library at ever since I have known him. As for me I am enjoying work. Expect when the make me clean the windows because we have tall windows! Plus I am afraid of heights. I had to stand on a chair yesterday and I almost fell off once. It was pretty scary. I am not going to school this year. I will however at least try to finish school, but I also want to go to a trade school I have always wanted to go into comso. It would give me something to learn. So for right now I will just enjoy working at Kneaders where the food is freaking delicious!!i guess the next thing I want to talk about is children, but I will save that for another day.

Friday, August 17, 2012

My problem yesterday...

As I said my my tire went all crazy on my yesterday this is what it looked like. Great isn't it?

Been a while.

Well, I guess I should start off by saying that I have a job. :) That is good news! Well yesterday as I was driving to work my tire decided to pretty die on me! I know it's great. So I wanted to cry when it happened because I hate when things happen to cars I am because I don't know how to deal with them! It makes me so mad at myself. So there I was there driving and my tire went all crazy on my so I pulled over and this gentleman stopped to help me it was so nice of him! I for sure live in Utah, because I have not had that happen to me anywhere, but in Utah! So I am do grateful for that guy you pulled over to see if I was alright. I didn't even get his name. Sadly. So whoever it was "thank you". Also, my one of my home teachers drive my husband out to wear I was and then took me to work. It was so kind of him, it is times like that I am so grateful for the church has these home/visiting teachers. They really do make a difference in our lives. :)

So, I work at Kneaders Bakery and Cafe and if you live in Utah and have not been, well I suggest you go! It is pure awesomeness and the food is amazing plus they have amazing sweets!! Alrighty. I will going to be bed now, because it's midnight and my husband is sleeping. :)

I know I look weird in the picture but I my outfit for work is pretty sweet! :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

30 day challenge

Well I am a little late, but that's okay...I thought I would give this things a chance.

So the my relationship status is MARRIED the sweetest guy ever!!!


Where I see myself I'm 10 years

- have a home, the way I want to be decorated.
-at least have 4 kids. I want 6. I know that sounds like a lot, but that is how many to I want.
-To be able to stay home with my kids.
So far that is all I can think of at the moment, but I'm to have more in the near future.  Plus I already have one down because I married the man of my dreams and we are living somewhere that has four seasons!!! Soooo much better than the desert I grew up in.

DAY 3 

My views on drugs and alcohol. Well I just think they are plain dumb. I don't see why people find them so great. They don't do anything for you, once all of that is out of the body's the real is back on and you deal with the problems that you put on hold for a while or night. I just hope that it when they become parents they don't let their kids to the things they did.

On a side note it was nephew's 4th birthday today!! He also starts preschool this year he is growing up so fast. I can't wait to have my own kids. That won't be for a good 2 years from now.

-Elizabeth Wright

Friday, July 20, 2012

Journal Writing

Journal writing, some people can call it a dairy. Well most people I know make a big deal, that's it's girly. That most men don't write in a journal, but it really helps even when you can't sleep (like me). It really is a great way to spend time. It is also is a great record to have when you have kids. I use to write nonsense in them, things that I never wanted to anyone to see, then I got married. I started to think clearly about future, my future children and how I wanted them to see me. I didn't want them to read my stuff and say things like "how I can't believe that my mom would do that!" "how could she do this?" and many other things. So I started thinking and changing the way I write. So, here I am blogging. Hopefully, I will remember to blog more often. Also, it's my niece's 1st birthday tomorrow. Also, my 19th birthday is on Sunday. I don't know how I feel about that. I do know that my husband plans to get me something...well my family is coming up to Salt Lake and I'm way excited to see them!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wedding stuff...

Well, here I am at home doing nothing so I thought why not look at pictures from when Matt and I got married. Well let you it was fun. Pictures always provide evidence that something happened right. As we going to bed last which was about 1:00 am... wow that's late. I couldn't fall asleep! That has been the second time I haven't been to fall asleep after midnight! It bugs me, but there is a reason why I'm telling you guys this.  Last night I started to think, sometimes thinking gets the better of me in a bad way, but yesterday was something different! I was thinking GOOD things! It came as a shock to me. I started thinking about my life and every mistake and good thing I have ever done has lead me to this exact point in life where I am now. I would not be married to the sweetest guy if I had made other choices. Also, it not only the choices I've made but the fact that my Heavenly Father has helped me get where I am right now. So, that is why I'm all wedding this and wedding that! I am very grateful for my husband and everything that he does, like when I can't sleep (when I'm thinking horrible thoughts) he stays up even if has work the next day. That's all I have wanted to say today.

P.S. when you get married make sure you do your "Thank You" notes SOON! I haven't started on mine and I feel so bad! Actually I might start them today thinking about! See ya later! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rain, FMA, July 4th, Birthday and 2 months

I woke up today to rain! It was pretty sweet although my husband says it smelled funny, because it is city rain. I however didn't notice it. I honestly love the rain, if I could live somewhere it rained pretty much the whole year I would be extremely happy! For now I live in Salt Lake and it rains in July! I'm not use to that, because I grew up in California, Southern California so we never we NEVER get rain at all. Well, sometimes we get rain. My other half of this post is about FMA (Fullmetal Alchemist) and it has to be the best anime show ever. I have to thank my husband for my obsession with this show. We finished the whole thing so we were all done with all the episodes, then we watched the movie. (The movie was okay, the bad guy was kinda lame, but it had a good ending!) The good thing is that we started the other series, it is a little different, but has somewhat the same story line.

Now on the lines of the 4th of July, my husband and I spent the WHOLE day in our pj's! I know kind of a lame way to spend the 4th, but that's okay. We did play Skyrim a lot. Even though we have to xbox's I kick him off so I can play. We sadly didn't watch the fireworks, because I didn't want to. I feel kind of bad since he wanted to go, but I just wanted to stay home. We could see some from our bedroom, but we just didn't really now where to go. I guess we could have gone to Sugar House, but we didn't. There is always next year right? Well since it is the month of July that means I turn 19 in about 17 days!! I feel kind of old, but also I'm way excited about turning 19. I never really liked the age 18 or the number. Maybe, because no one really takes you serious at that age, but once you turn any other age you gain more of a respect. Well only 17 more days till my birthday! Sweet stuff! Ohhhh.......I almost forgot, I have been married to my husband for 2 MONTHS. I know only, two months but I am so happy about that! I still love more than anything and I love that he gets to come home to me everyday!

Monday, June 11, 2012


I have been playing Skyrim ever since my husband wanted to know if I would give it a try. Not going to lie it was a little scary for me. Wolves jumping out of nowhere, dragons attacking you. The caves that I would have to go through to get something for a quest. Man it's some scary stuff. I have a couple of characters, however I have not done the Main Quest on any of them, so I thought maybe I should give the main quest a chance. So I made a new character and I was way excited! So, I'm at this part where I have to try defeat Alduin for the first time, (Alduin's Bane quest name)  I am on the Throat of the World and the games messes with me! Aludin landing on the ground and I could hurt him. It was a stinkin' glitch! I was so upset I called my husband over and he thought that we should reload. So, we did and it was working, at least I thought so. Alduin's health WOULD NOT go down! We reloaded again, the same thing happened. My husband tried his hardest to get it back working but it just change anything. Finally, he suggested that I turn off the Xbox. So at this moment I am letting it cool down. I'm crossing my fingers when I turn it back on it will work. :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Many women now a days would think that their husbands or boyfriends play and spend why to much on their Xbox, I however am maybe the few girls how actually really appreciate the fact it exists. I know for a fact that my husband was worried that his wife was going to hate the fact that he loves his Xbox. However that is not true I love his Xbox. We have two of them. One is his and the other is his brother's. Who is severing a mission for two years as a missionary in California! So for 2 years I get use that Xbox and play Skyrim. I have always loved to play video games, I watched my brother play them on the Nintendo 64 when we were growing up. I have to say that my favorite game as I was little would have been Super Mario Bros. I think my brother still has it to this day and when we go over we pull it out and play on that. The reason why I bring up this topic was because yesterday Matt had the day off and what did we do you ask. Well we pretty much played Skyrim all day. It is freaking great that we can both talking about the quests we are going and how is always plays on a harder level then me. ( I play on novice!)  Now as we wind down on our Sunday it is nice to look back on yesterday and even if we didn't speak to each other much we both enjoyed that we got to play Skyrim and I know that he loves that I play it! After it is his fault I love this game. He was the one who introduced to it.

A little about myself

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Wright. I am married to Matt Wright, he was born here in Salt Lake City where we currently are living. I however was born and raised in California. Never did I think I was ever going to live in Utah. In the end I moved to Utah to go to school and it was the best decision of my life. Dixie State College is where I attend my first year of college. Here is where I met my husband, at the Institute of Religion. We were married on May 5, 2012 in the St. George temple. I'm an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is the reason I am who I am today, also the reason why I have such a wonderful husband. Well that is all I can think of at this moment. Hopefully I will keep this updated with everything that is going on.