Thanksgiving is only a couple days, and Matt and I don't know what we are doing or where we are spending Thanksgiving at. All I know is that my family is going to be coming up to Salt Lake to visit my brother and his family. Although I know they will be going up to Wyoming to visit Christina's parents. I want to take some time just to say somethings I am grateful.
1. I am grateful for the chance to be a U.S. citizen and all the things my parents did for me.
2. I am grateful for my In Laws! They are the best!
3. I am also grateful for my grandparents-in-law. They are the grandparents I never had.
4. I am grateful for being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
5. I am grateful for having a temple so close to where I live.
6. I am grateful for being to live here Salt Lake City.
7. I am grateful to work at Kneaders where I enjoy all my coworkers.
8. I am grateful for Skype and being able to talk to my dad.
9. I am grateful for a wonderful husband, who loves me with all my flaws.
10. I am grateful for my little sister, without her my life would be so much boring.
11. I am grateful for my only niece and nephew, who I live so close to.
12. I am grateful for amazing music that helps me get through the day.
13. I am grateful for the gift that I have to always have a smile on my face no matter what the situation.
those are only some of the things I am grateful for. I really have been blessed in my life with such wonderful people around. I am looking forward to be spending my first Thanksgiving as a married woman.
My first Thanksgiving with Matt was a very interesting one. We actually had two thanksgiving. One at my sisters house and one at Matt's grandparents home. Two very different thanksgiving. We first went over to my sisters house. Where we had about 14 people there! The was the most people we had ever had at one place. So, it was very loud there. Even though it was loud it was worth having Matt there, sort of seeing my family in the raw..this was before we were engaged. So it was a bit of chaos he seemed to enjoy it so that's always good. My family didn't scare him off thank goodness! After we had finished that meal, we headed off to have some quiet time and walk off the meal so we would be hungry for the meal at his grandparents home.
As we arrived at his grandparents house it was so much more quiet. It was only 7 people and they are very quiet people, it was however a very traditional thanksgiving dinner something I had never had. I guess that is what happens when you are Mexican. It was nice and relaxing to have such a nice dinner there. It was one of the best thanksgiving I have had. I am just looking forward to when I am able to make holiday tradition my children can remember for a life time.
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