Friday, July 20, 2012

Journal Writing

Journal writing, some people can call it a dairy. Well most people I know make a big deal, that's it's girly. That most men don't write in a journal, but it really helps even when you can't sleep (like me). It really is a great way to spend time. It is also is a great record to have when you have kids. I use to write nonsense in them, things that I never wanted to anyone to see, then I got married. I started to think clearly about future, my future children and how I wanted them to see me. I didn't want them to read my stuff and say things like "how I can't believe that my mom would do that!" "how could she do this?" and many other things. So I started thinking and changing the way I write. So, here I am blogging. Hopefully, I will remember to blog more often. Also, it's my niece's 1st birthday tomorrow. Also, my 19th birthday is on Sunday. I don't know how I feel about that. I do know that my husband plans to get me something...well my family is coming up to Salt Lake and I'm way excited to see them!

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